March 12, 2025

Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Dec. 5

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
حسنا، ليس الكثير من الاستطلاع. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past three years, which I guess makes this somewhere around Vol. 197. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.


Actually really terrific for a Monday. I got to bed early last night, and the extra sleep made all the difference in the world. Yea for Zzz’s!

Do you prefer to do your own nails or have them done at a nail salon?

As much as I lurve a good hand/foot massage, I’m super picky about my nails, and I find doing them relaxing, so I usually do it myself. and then there’s the fact that I like to change the colors I’m wearing every few days, which kinda defeats the purpose of getting a really good salon mani/pedi. 

Sweet or savory?

A little bit of both, please. I like the contrast.

A challenge you’re working to overcome?

I’m trying to stay out of my own way. like a lot of us, I tend to be my own worst enemy, and sometimes when I’m frustrated about a task I don’t want to do, I spend more time fretting about it than it would take to actually do the task.

Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

Spending a few days with my family, eating tons of good food, and going shopping and ice skating (yup, ice skating in California) in San Francisco’s Union Square.


The dare! nine times out of 10 I’ll take the dare. I’m adventurous that way. Plus, I like holding on to a bit of mystery…

When was the last time you freaked out about something?

Yesterday afternoon, and it was a heated one, too, with lots of stomping around the house, tears, crazy talking to myself, outfit changes — the whole nine yards.

I was feeling very overwhelmed about the holidays and the weekend drawing to a close, but more than that I was also hungry and have PMS (a lethal combination!).

Thank goodness El Hub was around to talk me down, and he said the magic words, “Why don’t we go to See’s to get you some chocolate?”

What’s your favorite kind of weather?

Sunny in the upper 70s with a light breeze blowing in from the ocean. Ah, Calgon… Take me to Oahu!

What’s one of your favorite holiday treats?

Baskin-Robbins’ peppermint ice cream, even though it’s that unnatural shade of pink that looks like Pepto-Bismol.

الأهداف الأسبوعية:

I missed a couple of workouts last week, and even when I have been running, I’ve just been doing the bare minimum to get by, so I want to get back on track. I also want to be extra sweet to Tabs this week because we haven’t been going for our walks outside as typically as we did together back in summer.

Am I the only one who’s been struggling to stay focused lately? I don’t know if it’s just because of the holidays or what, but I haven’t been checking many things off of my to-do list…


Maybe what we need is a good dose of the Monday Poll. We only have three Mondays left before 2012, so let’s makes ’em count!

لإكمال استطلاع الاثنين، قم فقط بنسخ القائمة التالية، والصقها مع إجاباتك في التعليقات.

1. مزاج:
2. Do you prefer to do your own nails or have them done at a nail salon?
3. Sweet or savory?
4. A challenge you’re working to overcome?
5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 
6. truth or dare?
7. When was the last time you freaked out about something?
8. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
9. What’s one of your favorite holiday treats?
10. الأهداف الأسبوعية:


Are you attending any holiday parties this week? Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s already that time.

مدمن جمال الجوار الخاص بك،


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن


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